Come n meeet us
Frequently asked questions & answers
- How does the group sessions work?
A central concept in IRETURN is to offer conversation groups, as a forum for people who want to talk about their feelings with others who have similar experience. IRETURN's conversation groups are based on respect, honesty, security and hope. Our belief is that the participants should be able to receive and support each other.
- Samtalsgrupperna är öppna och du är välkommen att delta varje vecka eller mer sporadiskt, du väljer vad som passar bäst för dig och din situation
- When we share, we do it in my own form based on our own experiences and feelings related to fatigue and burnout. It can be about how we ended up there, what happened or how it is right now. We do not interrupt or comment on each other's divisions, but let the one who shares speak undisturbed until he chooses to thank for the word.
- If you do not want to share, it is perfectly ok to just listen
- Ett möte (fysiskt eller webbmöte) pågår i en timme
- En samtalsgrupp kan ta emot tre-tio deltagare.
- Vad kostar det?
Vi önskar att så många som möjligt kan, om man vill, komma till IRETURNs samtalsgrupper. Vi har dock en tro om att en mindre kostnad gör att man som deltagare känner sig mer dedikerad och engagerad. Därför tar vi en månadskostnad om 99 kronor och du du får gå på så många träffad du vill. Du kan närsomhelst avsluta ditt abonnemang och då betalar du bara innevarande månad ut. Första tillfället på IRETURNs samtalsgrupper är alltid gratis.
- Is what is said in the groups confidential?
An important reason for us all to have a safe place to share experiences is that we safeguard each other's integrity by respecting each other's right to anonymity. This means that who you met here and what someone else has said stays with the group's participants. However, we encourage you to share things that affect yourself and your own participation in the environment, which means that you are happy to tell that you participate in IRETURN's conversation groups, what it means and what it gives you personally. If you know someone you think would like to participate in this, please feel free to contact them.
- Who can join the groups?
We are primarily aimed at those who in different ways experience work-related stress and its negative effects, but fatigue and burnout can have other causes, so everyone is welcome to join IRETURN's conversation groups. Stress-related ill-health, fatigue and burnout can affect anyone and we believe that this insight can help. The participants in each group are a mix of people who are in different stages, to ensure the best possible dynamics and exchange of experience.
- I feel stressed but am not burnt out, can I join a conversation group?
Welcome! Even if you do not have a diagnosis or sick leave, we know that stress can have a negative impact on life in many ways. Participating in a conversation group can be a way to increase the understanding of signals of stress-related ill-health and an opportunity to get help with what and how you can do to feel better and "stop in time" through other people's experiences.
- I am healthy and back in my "normal life" can I join a group?
Absolutely, we are convinced that, for someone who is heading into or in the middle of an exhaustion, it is very valuable to share and talk about their situation with someone who has a similar experience. We also believe that participation for those who are "back" can serve as a reminder to continue taking care of you, as a safeguard to end up in the same situation again. We have many stories of our own about how exactly the conversation between someone who is affected and someone who has gone through exhaustion is extremely important for both parties.
- Who leads the groups?
Samtalsgrupperna leds av initialt av någon av grundarna till IRETURN. En strukturerad samtalsguide är under utveckling och tanken är att deltagare som varit med ett antal gånger framöver ska kunna leda samtalen med hjälp av samtalsguiden.
- Do I need to prepare something before joining a conversation group?
You do not need to prepare anything before you participate. However, it may be good to think through what experiences you want to share with the group.
- Is IRETURN a treatment?
IRETURN's call groups are a complement to other care, support and possible medication and should not be seen as a form of treatment.
- Why should I join a group if it is not a form of treatment? How do I know it works?
The basic idea is that by sharing our own experiences we can help both ourselves and others. This is because when we listen and share, we both take new steps in our own recovery and make our own experiences useful to others with similar problems.
- Is IRETURN a non-profit or for-profit business?
IRETURN drivs i aktiebolagsform och är därmed en vinstdrivande verksamhet. Vårt primära syfte är att förebygga utbrändhet, stötta personer som lider av arbetsrelaterad stress och reducera förekomsten av utbrändhet i samhället. Vi är dock övertygade om att detta görs mest effektivt med sunda bolagsfinanser och på sikt ekonomiska möjligheter att investera i bolaget så att det kan fortsätta att utvecklas och växa.
We are convinced that you can balance business with socially engaged businesses that have a positive impact on society and individuals. There are a number of examples of how social entrepreneurship, innovative entrepreneurship and private initiatives have contributed to valuable improvements in society.
När den löpande verksamheten ger ett överskott kommer vi att sätta en vinstbegränsning för IRETURN och merparten av överskottet återinvesteras i verksamheten för att förbättra lösningar, utveckla konceptet och möjliggöra att företaget kan fortsätta växa.
Vårt övergripande mål är att maximera effekterna för individer och samhället i stort snarare än att maximera IRETURNs vinst.
- What do I expect as a participant in IRETURN's pilot interview group?
- That you are willing to share your experience and story about stress-related ill health (you obviously decide what and how much you want to share)
- That you accept IRETURN's rules on privacy and confidentiality
- That you share feedback on the concept so that we can develop it
- That you are patient that this is new and that we will make many mistakes 🙂
- Att vi får använda oss av eventuella resultat (självklart avpersonaliserad data) och citat från utvärderingarna i vår marknadsföring (i det fall vi vill använda citat kommer vi att tillfråga respektive individ)
- What is IRETURN?
IRETURNS' operations are based on the conviction that no one in society should be exhausted or burnt out. For those who are, it still offers IRETURN support in various forms for a return to a better feeling. We do this through one structured support program in a number of steps, but also through group sessions, a forum where the power of sharing their experiences provides participants with support in their recovery.
IRETURN is also a hub to contribute to increased understanding and knowledge of burnout and fatigue, where podcasts, blogs, articles, research reports and chat forums are some examples. IRETURN is also working actively to shift the view of burnout and those affected.
- Who is behind IRETURN?
IRETURN is created by people who all, directly or indirectly, have their own experience of work-related stress and mental illness. We share a belief that in sharing experiences and personal experiences, there is a positive force that can help people in need of prejudice-free understanding and concrete support in the path back to mental health. Read more about us here.